サーバーのよく使うコマンドメモ| df


コマンド サーバー テクノロジー

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$ df [option]


-a : 全てのファイルシステムの表示 -i : iNodeの使用料を表示 -k : Kbで表示 -h : 容量を適当な単位で表示


# 各パーティション毎のTOTAL容量と使用容量 $ df # パーティション毎のiNodeを取得する $ df -i # FileSystemが長い文字列の場合に改行されてしまう状態を防ぐ $ df #Filesystem 1K-ブロック 使用 使用可 使用% マウント位置 /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 1872990276 909014288 867298920 52% / /dev/sda1 101086 20070 75797 21% /boot tmpfs 8213672 0 8213672 0% /dev/shm ## ↓↓↓ $ df -P #Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Available Capacity マウント位置 /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 1872990276 909035416 867277792 52% / /dev/sda1 101086 20070 75797 21% /boot tmpfs 8213672 0 8213672 0% /dev/shm


The df utility displays statistics about the amount of free disk space on the specified filesystem or on the filesystem of which file is a part. Values are displayed in 512-byte per block counts. If neither a file or a filesystem operand is specified, sta- tistics for all mounted filesystems are displayed (subject to the -t option below). The following options are available: -a Show all mount points, including those that were mounted with the MNT_IGNORE flag. -b Use (the default) 512-byte blocks. This is only useful as a way to override an BLOCKSIZE specification from the environment. -g Use 1073741824-byte (1-Gbyte) blocks rather than the default. Note that this overrides the BLOCKSIZE specification from the environment. -H "Human-readable" output. Use unit suffixes: Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte and Petabyte in order to reduce the number of digits to three or less using base 10 for sizes. -h "Human-readable" output. Use unit suffixes: Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte and Petabyte in order to reduce the number of digits to three or less using base 2 for sizes. -i Include statistics on the number of free inodes. This option is now the default to conform to Version 3 of the Single UNIX Specification (``SUSv3'') Use -P to suppress this output. -k Use 1024-byte (1-Kbyte) blocks, rather than the default. Note that this over- rides the BLOCKSIZE specification from the environment. -l Only display information about locally-mounted filesystems. -m Use 1048576-byte (1-Mbyte) blocks rather than the default. Note that this over- rides the BLOCKSIZE specification from the environment. -n Print out the previously obtained statistics from the filesystems. This option should be used if it is possible that one or more filesystems are in a state such that they will not be able to provide statistics without a long delay. When this option is specified, df will not request new statistics from the filesystems, but will respond with the possibly stale statistics that were pre- viously obtained. -P Use (the default) 512-byte blocks. This is only useful as a way to override an BLOCKSIZE specification from the environment. -T Only print out statistics for filesystems of the specified types. More than one type may be specified in a comma separated list. The list of filesystem types can be prefixed with ``no'' to specify the filesystem types for which action should not be taken. For example, the df command: df -T nonfs,mfs lists all filesystems except those of type NFS and MFS. The lsvfs(1) command can be used to find out the types of filesystems that are available on the sys- tem. -t If used with no arguments, this option is a no-op (Mac OS X already prints the total allocated-space figures). If used with an argument, it acts like -T, but this usage is deprecated and should not be relied upon.




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