サーバーのよく使うコマンドメモ| bg , fg


コマンド サーバー テクノロジー

t f B! P L


bg : 実行中のプロセスをバックグラウンドで動作させる。 fg : 実行中のプロセスをフォアグラウンドで動作させる。


$ bg %[job-id] $ fg %[job-id]


# tailを実行 $ tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log # jobを確認 $ jobs [1]+ 実行中 tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log # バックグラウンドに移動 $ bg %0 [1]- 実行中 tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log # フォアグラウンドに移動 $ fg %0 [1]+ 実行中 tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log


NAME builtin, !, %, ., :, @, [, {, }, alias, alloc, bg, bind, bindkey, break, breaksw, builtins, case, cd, chdir, command, complete, continue, default, dirs, do, done, echo, echotc, elif, else, end, endif, endsw, esac, eval, exec, exit, export, false, fc, fg, filetest, fi, for, foreach, getopts, glob, goto, hash, hashstat, history, hup, if, jobid, jobs, kill, limit, local, log, login, logout, ls-F, nice, nohup, notify, onintr, popd, printenv, printf, pushd, pwd, read, readonly, rehash, repeat, return, sched, set, setenv, settc, setty, setvar, shift, source, stop, suspend, switch, telltc, test, then, time, times, trap, true, type, ulimit, umask, unalias, uncomplete, unhash, unlimit, unset, unsetenv, until, wait, where, which, while – shell built-in commands SYNOPSIS See the built-in command description in the appropriate shell manual page. DESCRIPTION Shell builtin commands are commands that can be executed within the running shell's process. Note that, in the case of csh(1) builtin commands, the command is executed in a subshell if it occurs as any component of a pipeline except the last. If a command specified to the shell contains a slash ‘/’, the shell will not execute a builtin command, even if the last component of the specified command matches the name of a builtin command. Thus, while specifying “echo” causes a builtin command to be executed under shells that support the echo builtin command, specifying “/bin/echo” or “./echo” does not. While some builtin commands may exist in more than one shell, their operation may be different under each shell which supports them. Below is a table which lists shell builtin commands, the standard shells that support them and whether they exist as standalone utilities. Only builtin commands for the csh(1) and sh(1) shells are listed here. Consult a shell's manual page for details on the operation of its builtin commands. Beware that the sh(1) manual page, at least, calls some of these commands “built-in commands” and some of them “reserved words”. Users of other shells may need to consult an info(1) page or other sources of documentation. Commands marked “No**” under External do exist externally, but are implemented as scripts using a builtin command of the same name. Command External csh(1) sh(1) ! No No Yes % No Yes No . No No Yes : No Yes Yes @ No Yes Yes [ Yes No Yes { No No Yes } No No Yes alias No** Yes Yes alloc No Yes No bg No** Yes Yes bind No No Yes bindkey No Yes No break No Yes Yes breaksw No Yes No builtin No No Yes builtins No Yes No case No Yes Yes cd No** Yes Yes chdir No Yes Yes command No** No Yes complete No Yes No continue No Yes Yes default No Yes No dirs No Yes No do No No Yes done No No Yes echo Yes Yes Yes echotc No Yes No elif No No Yes else No Yes Yes end No Yes No endif No Yes No endsw No Yes No esac No No Yes eval No Yes Yes exec No Yes Yes exit No Yes Yes export No No Yes false Yes No Yes fc No** No Yes fg No** Yes Yes filetest No Yes No fi No No Yes for No No Yes foreach No Yes No getopts No** No Yes glob No Yes No goto No Yes No hash No** No Yes hashstat No Yes No history No Yes No hup No Yes No if No Yes Yes jobid No No Yes jobs No** Yes Yes kill Yes Yes Yes limit No Yes No local No No Yes log No Yes No login Yes Yes No logout No Yes No ls-F No Yes No nice Yes Yes No nohup Yes Yes No notify No Yes No onintr No Yes No popd No Yes No printenv Yes Yes No printf Yes No Yes pushd No Yes No pwd Yes No Yes read No** No Yes readonly No No Yes rehash No Yes No repeat No Yes No return No No Yes sched No Yes No set No Yes Yes setenv No Yes No settc No Yes No setty No Yes No setvar No No Yes shift No Yes Yes source No Yes No stop No Yes No suspend No Yes No switch No Yes No telltc No Yes No test Yes No Yes then No No Yes time Yes Yes No times No No Yes trap No No Yes true Yes No Yes type No** No Yes ulimit No** No Yes umask No** Yes Yes unalias No** Yes Yes uncomplete No Yes No unhash No Yes No unlimit No Yes No unset No Yes Yes unsetenv No Yes No until No No Yes wait No** Yes Yes where No Yes No which Yes Yes No while No Yes Yes SEE ALSO csh(1), dash(1), echo(1), false(1), info(1), kill(1), login(1), nice(1), nohup(1), printenv(1), printf(1), pwd(1), sh(1), test(1), time(1), true(1), which(1), zsh(1) HISTORY The builtin manual page first appeared in FreeBSD 3.4. AUTHORS This manual page was written by Sheldon Hearn <sheldonh@FreeBSD.org>. BUILTIN(1) General Commands Manual BUILTIN(1) NNAAMMEE bbuuiillttiinn, !!, %%, .., ::, @@, [[, {{, }}, aalliiaass, aalllloocc, bbgg, bbiinndd, bbiinnddkkeeyy, bbrreeaakk, bbrreeaakkssww, bbuuiillttiinnss, ccaassee, ccdd, cchhddiirr, ccoommmmaanndd, ccoommpplleettee, ccoonnttiinnuuee, ddeeffaauulltt, ddiirrss, ddoo, ddoonnee, eecchhoo, eecchhoottcc, eelliiff, eellssee, eenndd, eennddiiff, eennddssww, eessaacc, eevvaall, eexxeecc, eexxiitt, eexxppoorrtt, ffaallssee, ffcc, ffgg, ffiilleetteesstt, ffii, ffoorr, ffoorreeaacchh, ggeettooppttss, gglloobb, ggoottoo, hhaasshh, hhaasshhssttaatt, hhiissttoorryy, hhuupp, iiff, jjoobbiidd, jjoobbss, kkiillll, lliimmiitt, llooccaall, lloogg, llooggiinn, llooggoouutt, llss--FF, nniiccee, nnoohhuupp, nnoottiiffyy, oonniinnttrr, ppooppdd, pprriinntteennvv, pprriinnttff, ppuusshhdd, ppwwdd, rreeaadd, rreeaaddoonnllyy, rreehhaasshh, rreeppeeaatt, rreettuurrnn, sscchheedd, sseett, sseetteennvv, sseettttcc, sseettttyy, sseettvvaarr, sshhiifftt, ssoouurrccee, ssttoopp, ssuussppeenndd, sswwiittcchh, tteellllttcc, tteesstt, tthheenn, ttiimmee, ttiimmeess, ttrraapp, ttrruuee, ttyyppee, uulliimmiitt, uummaasskk, uunnaalliiaass, uunnccoommpplleettee, uunnhhaasshh, uunnlliimmiitt, uunnsseett, uunnsseetteennvv, uunnttiill, wwaaiitt, wwhheerree, wwhhiicchh, wwhhiillee – shell built-in commands SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS See the built-in command description in the appropriate shell manual page. DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN Shell builtin commands are commands that can be executed within the running shell's process. Note that, in the case of csh(1) builtin commands, the command is executed in a subshell if it occurs as any component of a pipeline except the last. If a command specified to the shell contains a slash ‘/’, the shell will not execute a builtin command, even if the last component of the specified command matches the name of a builtin command. Thus, while specifying “echo” causes a builtin command to be executed under shells that support the eecchhoo builtin command, specifying “/bin/echo” or “./echo” does not. While some builtin commands may exist in more than one shell, their operation may be different under each shell which supports them. Below is a table which lists shell builtin commands, the standard shells that support them and whether they exist as standalone utilities. Only builtin commands for the csh(1) and sh(1) shells are listed here. Consult a shell's manual page for details on the operation of its builtin commands. Beware that the sh(1) manual page, at least, calls some of these commands “built-in commands” and some of them “reserved words”. Users of other shells may need to consult an info(1) page or other sources of documentation. Commands marked “No**” under _E_x_t_e_r_n_a_l do exist externally, but are implemented as scripts using a builtin command of the same name. _C_o_m_m_a_n_d _E_x_t_e_r_n_a_l csh(1) sh(1) !! No No Yes %% No Yes No .. No No Yes :: No Yes Yes @@ No Yes Yes [[ Yes No Yes {{ No No Yes }} No No Yes aalliiaass No** Yes Yes aalllloocc No Yes No bbgg No** Yes Yes bbiinndd No No Yes bbiinnddkkeeyy No Yes No bbrreeaakk No Yes Yes bbrreeaakkssww No Yes No bbuuiillttiinn No No Yes bbuuiillttiinnss No Yes No ccaassee No Yes Yes ccdd No** Yes Yes cchhddiirr No Yes Yes ccoommmmaanndd No** No Yes ccoommpplleettee No Yes No ccoonnttiinnuuee No Yes Yes ddeeffaauulltt No Yes No ddiirrss No Yes No ddoo No No Yes ddoonnee No No Yes eecchhoo Yes Yes Yes eecchhoottcc No Yes No eelliiff No No Yes eellssee No Yes Yes eenndd No Yes No eennddiiff No Yes No eennddssww No Yes No eessaacc No No Yes eevvaall No Yes Yes eexxeecc No Yes Yes eexxiitt No Yes Yes eexxppoorrtt No No Yes ffaallssee Yes No Yes ffcc No** No Yes ffgg No** Yes Yes ffiilleetteesstt No Yes No ffii No No Yes ffoorr No No Yes ffoorreeaacchh No Yes No ggeettooppttss No** No Yes gglloobb No Yes No ggoottoo No Yes No hhaasshh No** No Yes hhaasshhssttaatt No Yes No hhiissttoorryy No Yes No hhuupp No Yes No iiff No Yes Yes jjoobbiidd No No Yes jjoobbss No** Yes Yes kkiillll Yes Yes Yes lliimmiitt No Yes No llooccaall No No Yes lloogg No Yes No llooggiinn Yes Yes No llooggoouutt No Yes No llss--FF No Yes No nniiccee Yes Yes No nnoohhuupp Yes Yes No nnoottiiffyy No Yes No oonniinnttrr No Yes No ppooppdd No Yes No pprriinntteennvv Yes Yes No pprriinnttff Yes No Yes ppuusshhdd No Yes No ppwwdd Yes No Yes rreeaadd No** No Yes rreeaaddoonnllyy No No Yes rreehhaasshh No Yes No rreeppeeaatt No Yes No rreettuurrnn No No Yes sscchheedd No Yes No sseett No Yes Yes sseetteennvv No Yes No sseettttcc No Yes No sseettttyy No Yes No sseettvvaarr No No Yes sshhiifftt No Yes Yes ssoouurrccee No Yes No ssttoopp No Yes No ssuussppeenndd No Yes No sswwiittcchh No Yes No tteellllttcc No Yes No tteesstt Yes No Yes tthheenn No No Yes ttiimmee Yes Yes No ttiimmeess No No Yes ttrraapp No No Yes ttrruuee Yes No Yes ttyyppee No** No Yes uulliimmiitt No** No Yes uummaasskk No** Yes Yes uunnaalliiaass No** Yes Yes uunnccoommpplleettee No Yes No uunnhhaasshh No Yes No uunnlliimmiitt No Yes No uunnsseett No Yes Yes uunnsseetteennvv No Yes No uunnttiill No No Yes wwaaiitt No** Yes Yes wwhheerree No Yes No wwhhiicchh Yes Yes No wwhhiillee No Yes Yes SSEEEE AALLSSOO csh(1), dash(1), echo(1), false(1), info(1), kill(1), login(1), nice(1), nohup(1), printenv(1), printf(1), pwd(1), sh(1), test(1), time(1), true(1), which(1), zsh(1) HHIISSTTOORRYY The bbuuiillttiinn manual page first appeared in FreeBSD 3.4. AAUUTTHHOORRSS This manual page was written by Sheldon Hearn <_s_h_e_l_d_o_n_h_@_F_r_e_e_B_S_D_._o_r_g>. macOS 13.1 December 21, 2010 macOS 13.1




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