サーバーのよく使うコマンドメモ| ulimit


コマンド サーバー テクノロジー

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$ ulimit [option]


-a : リソース全ての情報を表示


# リソースの上限値情報の表示 $ ulimit -a core file size (blocks, -c) 0 data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited scheduling priority (-e) 0 file size (blocks, -f) unlimited pending signals (-i) 63788 max locked memory (kbytes, -l) 64 max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited open files (-n) 1024 pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8 POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200 real-time priority (-r) 0 stack size (kbytes, -s) 8192 cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited max user processes (-u) 63788 virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited file locks (-x) unlimited


NAME ulimit - get and set user limits SYNOPSIS #include <ulimit .h> long ulimit(int cmd, long newlimit); DESCRIPTION Warning: This routine is obsolete. Use getrlimit(2), setrlimit(2), and sysconf(3) instead. For the shell command ulimit(), see bash(1). The ulimit() call will get or set some limit for the calling process. The cmd argument can have one of the following values. UL_GETFSIZE Return the limit on the size of a file, in units of 512 bytes. UL_SETFSIZE Set the limit on the size of a file. 3 (Not implemented for Linux.) Return the maximum possible address of the data segment. 4 (Implemented but no symbolic constant provided.) Return the maximum number of files that the calling process can open. RETURN VALUE On success, ulimit() returns a nonnegative value. On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set appropriately. ERRORS EPERM A unprivileged process tried to increase a limit. CONFORMING TO SVr4, POSIX.1-2001. POSIX.1-2008 marks ulimit() as obsolete. SEE ALSO bash(1), getrlimit(2), setrlimit(2), sysconf(3) COLOPHON This page is part of release 3.65 of the Linux man-pages project. A description of the project, and information about reporting bugs, can be found at http://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/. Linux 2008-08-06 ULIMIT(3)




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