[Javascript] パックマンをHTMLで作ってみるブログ#14 ステージクリア処理



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eyecatch ゲーム内部の処理が大体出来上がってきたので、今回はステージクリアの処理を追加したいと思います。


- ステージクリア(エサを全部食べた時)に次のステージに進む - クリア時に、敵キャラの動きを止めて非表示にする - クリア時に、自キャラの動きを止める - ステージ切り替えに必要な各種データのリセット処理


  1. index.html
  2. assets/ghost.json
  3. css/frame.css
  4. css/ghost.css
  5. css/pacman.css
  6. js/control.js
  7. js/feed.js
  8. js/frame.js
  9. js/ghost.js
  10. js/main.js
  11. js/pacman.js


[全部更新] index.html

自キャラのエレメントを、動的に作成するようにしました。 <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang='ja'> <head> <link rel='stylesheet' href='css/style.css' /> <script type='module' src='js/main.js'></script> <style>body{background-color:black}</style> </head> <body> <div class='frame-area' data-power="0"></div> </body> </html>

[新規追加] assets/ghost.json

 敵キャラの設定データをjsonファイル化しました。 [ { "id" : 1, "direction" : null, "coodinate" : { "x" : 12, "y" : 11 } }, { "id" : 2, "direction" : null, "coodinate" : { "x" : 15, "y" : 11 } }, { "id" : 3, "direction" : null, "coodinate" : { "x" : 12, "y" : 14 } }, { "id" : 4, "direction" : null, "coodinate" : { "x" : 15, "y" : 14 } } ]

[最後に追加] css/frame.css

ステージクリアした時の、ステージ枠の色アニメーションをcssで追加しました。 .frame-area[data-status='clear']{ animation-name : stage-clear; animation-duration:2s; animation-timing-function: linear; animation-iteration-count: 1; } @keyframes stage-clear{ 0%{ --color:blue; } 10%{ --color:white; } 20%{ --color:blue; } 30%{ --color:white; } 40%{ --color:blue; } 50%{ --color:white; } 60%{ --color:blue; } 70%{ --color:white; } 80%{ --color:blue; } 90%{ --color:white; } 100%{ --color:blue; } }

[一行削除] css/ghost.css

不要な処理を1行だけ削除しました。 赤色の行を消してください。 .ghost{ position:absolute; z-index:9; display:inline-block; --size-width : calc(var(--size-chara) * 1.0); --size-eye : calc(var(--size-width) * 0.3); --size-under : calc(var(--size-width) * 0.2); --color-body : red; width:var(--size-chara); height:var(--size-chara); transform:translate(calc(var(--block) / -2) , calc(var(--block) / -2)); } .ghost[data-color='1']{--color-body : red;} .ghost[data-color='2']{--color-body : orange;} .ghost[data-color='3']{--color-body : lightblue;} .ghost[data-color='4']{--color-body : pink;} .ghost[data-status='weak']{--color-body : blue;} /* .frame-area .ghost[data-status='1']{--color-body : blue;} */ .ghost > *{ margin : 0 auto; width : var(--size-width); } .ghost > .head{ height : calc(var(--size-width) / 2); background-color : var(--color-body); border-radius : var(--size-chara) var(--size-chara) 0 0; position:relative; } .ghost > .head .eyes{ position:absolute; width:100%; bottom:0; z-index:10; } .ghost > .head .eyes *{ position:absolute; bottom:0%; width : var(--size-eye); height : var(--size-eye); background-color:white; border-radius:50%; } .ghost > .head .eyes .eye-left{ left:13%; } .ghost > .head .eyes .eye-right{ right:13%; } .ghost > .head .eyes *::before{ content:''; display:block; background-color:black; width : 50%; height : 50%; margin : 25%; border-radius:50%; transition-property : margin; transition-duration : 0.3s; } .ghost > .head[data-direction='right'] .eyes{ left:12%; } .ghost > .head[data-direction='left'] .eyes{ left:-12%; } .ghost > .head[data-direction='up'] .eyes{ bottom:20%; } .ghost > .head[data-direction='down'] .eyes{ bottom:-20%; } .ghost[data-status='weak'] > .head .eyes{ left:0; bottom:20%; } .ghost > .head[data-direction='right'] .eyes > *::before{ margin-left : 50%; margin-right : 0; } .ghost > .head[data-direction='left'] .eyes > *::before{ margin-left : 0; margin-right : 50%; } .ghost > .head[data-direction='up'] .eyes > *::before{ margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 50%; } .ghost > .head[data-direction='down'] .eyes > *::before{ margin-top : 50%; margin-bottom : 0; } .ghost[data-status='weak'] > .head .eyes *::before{ display:none; } .ghost[data-status='weak'] > .head .eyes .eye-left, .ghost[data-status='weak'] > .head .eyes .eye-right{ width : calc(var(--size-eye) / 2); height : calc(var(--size-eye) / 2); background-color:white; border-radius:50%; } .ghost[data-status='weak'] > .head .eyes .eye-left{ left:25%; } .ghost[data-status='weak'] > .head .eyes .eye-right{ right:25%; } .ghost > .mouse{ height : 30%; background-color : var(--color-body); position:relative; } .frame-area .ghost > .mouse > svg{ display:none; } .ghost[data-status='weak'] > .mouse > svg{ position:absolute; top:-60%; display:block; margin-top:10px; } .ghost > .under{ height : var(--size-under); } .ghost > .under path{ fill:var(--color-body); } .ghost[data-status='dead']{ --color-body : blue; } .ghost[data-status='dead']{ --color-body : transparent; } /* power-limit-soon */ [data-power='2'] .ghost[data-status='weak']{ animation-name : power_soon_body; animation-duration:0.4s; animation-timing-function: ease-in-out; animation-iteration-count: infinite; } [data-power='2'] .ghost[data-status='weak'] > .head .eyes .eye-left, [data-power='2'] .ghost[data-status='weak'] > .head .eyes .eye-right{ animation-name : power_soon_eyes; animation-duration:0.4s; animation-timing-function: ease-in-out; animation-iteration-count: infinite; } [data-power='2'] .ghost[data-status='weak'] > .mouse svg path{ animation-name : power_soon_mouse; animation-duration:0.4s; animation-timing-function: ease-in-out; animation-iteration-count: infinite; } @keyframes power_soon_body{ 0%{ --color-body:blue; } 50%{ --color-body:white; } 100%{ --color-body:blue; } } @keyframes power_soon_eyes{ 0%{ background-color:white; } 50%{ background-color:red; } 100%{ background-color:white; } } @keyframes power_soon_mouse{ 0%{ stroke:white; } 50%{ stroke:red; } 100%{ stroke:white; } }

[一部追加] css/pacman.css

クリアした時のcss処理を追加しました。 赤字の箇所のみ更新してもらうだけで大丈夫です。 .pacman{ position:absolute; z-index:10; display:inline-block; width:var(--size-chara); height:var(--size-chara); } .frame-area[data-status='clear'] .pacman::before, .frame-area[data-status='clear'] .pacman::after, .pacman[data-status='crashed']::before, .pacman[data-status='crashed']::after{ animation-play-state: paused; } .pacman::before, .pacman::after{ content:''; display:block; width:100%; height:50%; background-color:yellow; animation-duration:var(--anim-speed); animation-timing-function: ease-in-out; animation-iteration-count: infinite; } .pacman::before{ transform-origin:center bottom; border-radius:var(--size-chara) var(--size-chara) 0 0; transform:rotate(45deg); } .pacman::after{ transform-origin:center top; border-radius:0 0 var(--size-chara) var(--size-chara); transform:rotate(-45deg); } .pacman[data-anim="true"]::before{ animation-name : pacman_before; } .pacman[data-anim="true"]::after{ animation-name : pacman_after; } @keyframes pacman_before{ 0%{ transform:rotate(45deg); } 50%{ transform:rotate(0deg); } 100%{ transform:rotate(45deg); } } @keyframes pacman_after{ 0%{ transform:rotate(-45deg); } 50%{ transform:rotate(0deg); } 100%{ transform:rotate(-45deg); } } .pacman, .pacman[data-direction="left"]{ transform:translate(calc(var(--block) / -2) , calc(var(--block) / -2)); } .pacman[data-direction="right"]{ transform:translate(calc(var(--block) / -2) , calc(var(--block) / -2)) scaleX(-1); } .pacman[data-direction="up"]{ transform:translate(calc(var(--block) / -2) , calc(var(--block) / -2)) rotate(90deg); } .pacman[data-direction="down"]{ transform:translate(calc(var(--block) / -2) , calc(var(--block) / -2)) rotate(-90deg); } .pacman[data-status="dead"]::before, .pacman[data-status="dead"]::after{ transform:rotate(0deg); animation-delay : 0.0s; animation-direction : normal; animation-duration : 2.0s; animation-fill-mode: forwards; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-timing-function: linear; } .pacman[data-status="dead"]::before{ animation-name : pacman-dead-before; } .pacman[data-status="dead"]::after{ animation-name : pacman-dead-after; } @keyframes pacman-dead-before{ 0%{ clip-path: polygon( 50% 100%, 0% 100%, 0% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100% ); } 25%{ clip-path: polygon( 50% 100%, 0% 0%, 0% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100% ); } 75%{ clip-path: polygon( 50% 100%, 100% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100% ); } 100%{ clip-path: polygon( 50% 100%, 100% 100%, 100% 100%, 100% 100%, 100% 100% ); } } @keyframes pacman-dead-after{ 0%{ clip-path: polygon( 50% 0%, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, 100% 100%, 100% 0% ); } 25%{ clip-path: polygon( 50% 0%, 0% 100%, 0% 100%, 100% 100%, 100% 0% ); } 75%{ clip-path: polygon( 50% 0%, 100% 100%, 100% 100%, 100% 100%, 100% 0% ); } 100%{ clip-path: polygon( 50% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 0% ); } }

[全部更新] js/control.js

全体的に、private処理をstatic処理に切り替えました。 import { Pacman } from './pacman.js' import { Frame } from './frame.js' export class Control{ constructor(){ window.addEventListener('keydown' , Control.keydown.bind(this)) window.addEventListener('keyup' , Control.keyup.bind(this)) } static key2name(key){ switch(key){ case 37 : return 'left' case 38 : return 'up' case 39 : return 'right' case 40 : return 'down' } } static keydown(e){ if(e.repeat === true){return} if(Frame.is_clear){return} const key = e.keyCode const name = Control.key2name(key) if(!name){return} Control.direction = name Pacman.move(Control.direction) } static keyup(e){ if(!Control.direction){return} const name = Control.key2name(e.keyCode) Control.clear() } static clear(){ if(Control.direction !== name){return} delete Control.direction } }

[全部更新] js/feed.js

エサの残り数を計算する処理を全体的に追加しています。 ファイル内を全て入れ替えてください。 import { Frame } from './frame.js' import { Pacman } from './pacman.js' import { Ghost } from './ghost.js' export class Feed{ constructor(){ // Feed.number_of_bites = this.elm_number_of_bites Feed.reset_data() } static get elm_number_of_bites(){ const elms = document.querySelectorAll(`.frame-area .P1,.frame-area .P2`) return elms.length } static reset_data(){ Feed.number_of_bites = Feed.elm_number_of_bites } static move_map(){ const num = Frame.get_pos2num(Pacman.coodinates) const item = Frame.frame_datas[num] switch(item){ case 'P1': this.eat_normal_dot(num) Feed.number_of_bites-- break case 'P2': Feed.power_on() Feed.flg_soon = setTimeout(Feed.power_soon , 7000) Feed.flg_off = setTimeout(Feed.power_off , 10000) this.eat_big_dot(num) Feed.number_of_bites-- break } if(Feed.number_of_bites <= 0){ Frame.stage_clear() } } static eat_normal_dot(num){ Frame.frame_datas[num] = 'S5' const elm = Frame.get_elm(num) if(!elm){return} elm.setAttribute('class','S5') } static eat_big_dot(num){ Frame.frame_datas[num] = 'S5' const elm = Frame.get_elm(num) if(!elm){return} elm.setAttribute('class','S5') } static power_on(){ Frame.root.setAttribute('data-power' , '1') Ghost.power_on() if(Feed.flg_soon){ clearTimeout(Feed.flg_soon) } if(Feed.flg_off){ clearTimeout(Feed.flg_off) } } static power_soon(){ Frame.root.setAttribute('data-power' , '2') } static power_off(){ Frame.root.setAttribute('data-power' , '0') Ghost.power_off() delete Feed.flg_soon delete Feed.flg_off } }

[全部更新] js/frame.js

ステージ情報のモジュールなので、大幅に変更をしました。 import { Main } from './main.js' import { Pacman } from './pacman.js' import { Ghost } from './ghost.js' import { Feed } from './feed.js' import { Control } from './control.js' export class Frame{ constructor(){ return new Promise(resolve => { this.resolve = resolve Frame.stage_datas = this.stage_datas = [] this.load_asset() }) } static get root(){ return document.querySelector(`.frame-area`) } get block_size(){ return Frame.block_size } static get block_size(){ const s5 = document.querySelector('.S5') return s5.offsetWidth } static get cols_count(){ return ~~(Frame.root.offsetWidth / Frame.block_size) } static get_elm(num){ return Frame.root.querySelector(`[data-num='${num}']`) } static get is_weak(){ const power = Frame.root.getAttribute('data-power') switch(power){ case '1': case '2': return true default: return false } } static get is_clear(){ return Frame.root.getAttribute('data-status') === 'clear' ? true : false } load_asset(){ const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest() xhr.open('get' , `assets/frame.json` , true) xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html'); xhr.onreadystatechange = ((e) => { if(xhr.readyState !== XMLHttpRequest.DONE){return} if(xhr.status === 404){return} if (xhr.status === 200) { // Frame.frame_datas = this.frame_datas = JSON.parse(e.target.response) // this.view() // this.set_collision() // this.finish() // this.set_ghost_start_area() Frame.asset_json = e.target.response Frame.start() this.finish() } }).bind(this) xhr.send() } static start(){ Frame.frame_datas = JSON.parse(Frame.asset_json) Frame.view() Frame.set_collision() Frame.set_ghost_start_area() } static crear(){ Frame.root.innerHTML = '' } static view(){ for(let i=0; i<Frame.frame_datas.length; i++){ const p = document.createElement('p') p.className = Frame.frame_datas[i] Frame.root.appendChild(p) p.setAttribute('data-num' , i) } } finish(){ if(this.resolve){ this.resolve(this) } } static put(elm , coodinates){ if(!elm){return} const pos = this.calc_coodinates2position(coodinates) this.pos(elm , pos) elm.setAttribute('data-x' , coodinates.x) elm.setAttribute('data-y' , coodinates.y) } static calc_coodinates2position(coodinates){ const size = Frame.block_size return { x : (coodinates.x) * size, y : (coodinates.y) * size, } } static pos(elm , pos){ elm.style.setProperty('left' , `${pos.x}px` , '') elm.style.setProperty('top' , `${pos.y}px` , '') } // 壁座標に1を設置 static set_collision(type){ const cols_count = Frame.cols_count const maps = [] let row_count = 0 for(const frame_data of Frame.frame_datas){ maps[row_count] = maps[row_count] || [] // 移動できる if(frame_data.match(/^P/i) || frame_data.toUpperCase() === 'S5' || frame_data.match(/^W/i) || frame_data.match(/^T/i)){ maps[row_count].push(0) } // 壁 else{ maps[row_count].push(1) } if(maps[row_count].length === cols_count){ row_count++ } } Frame.map = this.map = maps } static is_collision(map){ if(!map || !Frame.map || !Frame.map[map.y]){return} return Frame.map[map.y][map.x] } // type @ [pacman , ghost] static is_through(map , direction, status){ const through_item = Frame.frame_datas[Frame.get_pos2num(map)] if(status === 'dead'){ // return true if(through_item === 'TU' && direction === 'up' || through_item === 'TD' && direction === 'down' || through_item === 'TL' && direction === 'left' || through_item === 'TR' && direction === 'right'){ return false } else{ return true } } else{ if(through_item === 'TU' && direction !== 'up' || through_item === 'TD' && direction !== 'down' || through_item === 'TL' && direction !== 'left' || through_item === 'TR' && direction !== 'right'){ return false } else{ return true } } } static get_pos2num(pos){ return pos.y * Frame.map[0].length + pos.x } static get_num2pos(num){ return { x : num % Frame.map[0].length, y : ~~(num / Frame.map[0].length), } } static is_warp(map){ const num = Frame.get_pos2num(map) return Frame.frame_datas[num] === 'W1' ? true : false } static get_another_warp_pos(map){ const warp_index_arr = Frame.filterIndex(Frame.frame_datas , 'W1') const current_index = Frame.get_pos2num(map) const another_num = warp_index_arr.find(e => e !== current_index) return Frame.get_num2pos(another_num) } static filterIndex(datas,target){ const res_arr = [] for(let i=0; i<datas.length; i++){ if(datas[i] === target){ res_arr.push(i) } } return res_arr } static next_pos(direction , pos){ const temp_pos = { x : pos.x, y : pos.y, } switch(direction){ case 'left': temp_pos.x -= 1 break case 'right': temp_pos.x += 1 break case 'up': temp_pos.y -= 1 break case 'down': temp_pos.y += 1 break default: return } return temp_pos } static set_ghost_start_area(){ const ghost_start_area = [] for(let i=0; i<Frame.frame_datas.length; i++){ if(Frame.frame_datas[i] !== 'TU' && Frame.frame_datas[i] !== 'TD' && Frame.frame_datas[i] !== 'TL' && Frame.frame_datas[i] !== 'TR'){continue} const pos = Frame.get_num2pos(i) ghost_start_area.push({ num : i, pos : pos, }) } const pos = { x : ghost_start_area.map(e => e.pos.x).reduce((sum , e)=>{ return sum + e}) / ghost_start_area.length, y : ghost_start_area.map(e => e.pos.y).reduce((sum , e)=>{ return sum + e}) / ghost_start_area.length, } Frame.ghost_start_area = pos } static stage_clear(){ // console.log('stage cleared !!') Main.is_clear = true // 画面の動きを止める Control.clear() Pacman.move_stop() Pacman.close_mouse() Ghost.move_stops() Ghost.hidden_all() setTimeout((()=>{ Frame.root.setAttribute('data-status' , 'clear') }),500) setTimeout((()=>{ Main.is_clear = false Frame.crear() Frame.root.setAttribute('data-status' , '') Frame.start() Feed.reset_data() Ghost.reset_data() Pacman.reset_data() }),4000) } }

[全部更新] js/ghost.js

モジュール内に書いていた、ghostのデータをjsonデータとして、別ファイルに移動して、ajax読み込みするようにしました。 import { Main } from './main.js' import { Frame } from './frame.js' import { Pacman } from './pacman.js' export class Ghost{ constructor(){ this.load_data() } static reset_data(){ Ghost.datas = JSON.parse(Ghost.data_json) Ghost.put_element() } static get elm_ghosts(){ return document.querySelectorAll('.ghost') } static get_data(elm){ const color_num = elm.getAttribute('data-color') return Ghost.datas.find(e => e.id === Number(color_num)) } static get_id(elm){ const data = Ghost.get_data(elm) return data.id } static get_coodinate(elm){ const data = Ghost.get_data(elm) return data.coodinate } load_data(){ const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest() xhr.open('get' , `assets/ghost.json` , true) xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/json'); xhr.onreadystatechange = ((e) => { if(xhr.readyState !== XMLHttpRequest.DONE){return} if(xhr.status === 404){return} if (xhr.status === 200) { Ghost.data_json = e.target.response Ghost.datas = JSON.parse(Ghost.data_json) Ghost.put_element() } }) xhr.send() } static put_element(){ for(const data of Ghost.datas){ const elm = document.createElement('div') elm.className = 'ghost' elm.setAttribute('data-color' , data.id) Frame.root.appendChild(elm) } Ghost.load_asset() } static load_asset(){ const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest() xhr.open('get' , `assets/ghost.html` , true) xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html'); xhr.onreadystatechange = ((e) => { if(xhr.readyState !== XMLHttpRequest.DONE){return} if(xhr.status === 404){return} if (xhr.status === 200) { Ghost.asset = e.target.response Ghost.set_ghost() Ghost.set_move() // setTimeout(this.set_move.bind(this) , 300) } }) xhr.send() } static set_ghost(){ const elm_ghosts = Ghost.elm_ghosts for(const elm_ghost of elm_ghosts){ const coodinate = Ghost.get_coodinate(elm_ghost) Frame.put(elm_ghost, coodinate) elm_ghost.innerHTML = Ghost.asset } } static set_move(){ const elm_ghosts = Ghost.elm_ghosts for(const elm_ghost of elm_ghosts){ Ghost.move(elm_ghost) } } static move(elm_ghost){ if(!elm_ghost){return} const data = Ghost.get_data(elm_ghost) const coodinate = Ghost.get_coodinate(elm_ghost) const status = Ghost.get_status(elm_ghost) const directions = Ghost.get_enable_directions(coodinate , data.direction , status) || Ghost.get_enable_directions(coodinate) const direction = Ghost.get_direction(elm_ghost, directions) const next_pos = Frame.next_pos(direction , coodinate) Ghost.set_direction(elm_ghost , direction) Ghost.moving(elm_ghost , next_pos) } static moving(elm_ghost , next_pos){ if(!elm_ghost || !next_pos){return} const data = Ghost.get_data(elm_ghost) if(!data){return} if(Main.is_dead){ return } //warp if(Frame.is_warp(next_pos)){ data.coodinate = Frame.get_another_warp_pos(next_pos) next_pos = Frame.next_pos(data.direction , data.coodinate) } if(!next_pos){return} const before_pos = { x : data.coodinate.x * Frame.block_size, y : data.coodinate.y * Frame.block_size, } const after_pos = { x : next_pos.x * Frame.block_size, y : next_pos.y * Frame.block_size, } if(Pacman.is_collision(next_pos)){ switch(elm_ghost.getAttribute('data-status')){ case 'weak': Ghost.dead(elm_ghost) break case 'dead': break default: Ghost.crashed(elm_ghost) Pacman.crashed(elm_ghost) return } } data.next_pos = next_pos const id = 'ghost_anim' elm_ghost.animate( [ { left : `${before_pos.x}px`, top : `${before_pos.y}px`, }, { left : `${after_pos.x}px`, top : `${after_pos.y}px`, } ], { id : id, duration: Ghost.get_speed(elm_ghost) } ) Promise.all([elm_ghost.getAnimations().find(e => e.id === id).finished]) .then(Ghost.moved.bind(this , elm_ghost)) } static moved(elm_ghost , e){ if(!elm_ghost){return} const data = Ghost.get_data(elm_ghost) elm_ghost.style.setProperty('left' , `${data.next_pos.x * Frame.block_size}px` , '') elm_ghost.style.setProperty('top' , `${data.next_pos.y * Frame.block_size}px` , '') data.coodinate = data.next_pos if(Main.is_dead){return} if(Pacman.is_collision(data.coodinate)){ switch(elm_ghost.getAttribute('data-status')){ case 'weak': Ghost.dead(elm_ghost) break case 'dead': break default: Ghost.crashed(elm_ghost) Pacman.crashed(elm_ghost) return } } // dead -> alive if(Ghost.get_status(elm_ghost) === 'dead'){ const current_stage_item = Frame.frame_datas[Frame.get_pos2num(data.coodinate)] if(current_stage_item.match(/^T/i)){ Ghost.alive(elm_ghost) } } if(elm_ghost.hasAttribute('data-reverse')){ elm_ghost.removeAttribute('data-reverse') Ghost.reverse_move(elm_ghost , data) } else{ Ghost.next_move(elm_ghost , data) } } static reverse_move(elm_ghost , data){ const direction = Ghost.reverse_direction(data.direction) Ghost.set_direction(elm_ghost , direction) data.direction = direction const next_pos = Frame.next_pos(data.direction , data.coodinate) Ghost.moving(elm_ghost , next_pos) } static next_move(elm_ghost , data){ const directions = Ghost.get_enable_directions(data.coodinate , data.direction , Ghost.get_status(elm_ghost)) const direction = Ghost.get_direction(elm_ghost, directions) Ghost.set_direction(elm_ghost , direction) const next_pos = Frame.next_pos(data.direction , data.coodinate) if(Frame.is_collision(next_pos)){ Ghost.move(elm_ghost) } else{ Ghost.moving(elm_ghost , next_pos) } } static get_direction(elm_ghost, directions){ if(!directions || !directions.length){return null} switch(Ghost.get_status(elm_ghost)){ // dead : go to the start-area case 'dead': if(directions.length === 1){ return directions[0] } const ghost_data = Ghost.get_data(elm_ghost) const start_datas = Frame.ghost_start_area if(directions.indexOf('right') !== -1 && ghost_data.coodinate.x > start_datas.x){ const index = directions.findIndex(e => e === 'right') directions.splice(index,1) } if(directions.indexOf('left') !== -1 && ghost_data.coodinate.x < start_datas.x){ const index = directions.findIndex(e => e === 'left') directions.splice(index,1) } if(directions.indexOf('bottom') !== -1 && ghost_data.coodinate.y > start_datas.y){ const index = directions.findIndex(e => e === 'bottom') directions.splice(index,1) } if(directions.indexOf('top') !== -1 && ghost_data.coodinate.y < start_datas.y){ const index = directions.findIndex(e => e === 'top') directions.splice(index,1) } const num = Math.floor(Math.random() * directions.length) return directions[num] || null // normal default: const direction_num = Math.floor(Math.random() * directions.length) return directions[direction_num] || null } } // 移動可能な方向の一覧を取得する static get_enable_directions(pos , direction , status){ const directions = [] // Through(通り抜け) const frame_data = Frame.frame_datas[Frame.get_pos2num(pos)] if(frame_data.match(/^T/i)){ return [direction] } // 右 : right if(pos.x + 1 < Frame.map[pos.y].length && !Frame.is_collision({x: pos.x + 1, y: pos.y}) && Frame.is_through({x: pos.x + 1, y: pos.y} , 'right' , status) && direction !== 'left'){ directions.push('right') } // 左 : left if(pos.x - 1 >= 0 && !Frame.is_collision({x: pos.x - 1, y: pos.y}) && Frame.is_through({x: pos.x - 1, y: pos.y} , 'left' , status) && direction !== 'right'){ directions.push('left') } // 上 : up if(pos.y - 1 >= 0 && !Frame.is_collision({x: pos.x, y: pos.y - 1}) && Frame.is_through({x: pos.x, y: pos.y - 1} , 'up' , status) && direction !== 'down' ){ directions.push('up') } // 下 : down if(pos.y + 1 < Frame.map.length && !Frame.is_collision({x: pos.x, y: pos.y + 1}) && Frame.is_through({x: pos.x, y: pos.y + 1} , 'down' , status) && direction !== 'up'){ directions.push('down') } if(directions.length){ return directions } else{ return [Ghost.reverse_direction(direction)] } } static reverse_direction(direction){ switch(direction){ case 'right' : return 'left' case 'left' : return 'right' case 'up' : return 'down' case 'down' : return 'up' } } static set_direction(elm_ghost , direction){ const data = Ghost.get_data(elm_ghost) data.direction = direction const head = elm_ghost.querySelector('.head') if(!head){return} head.setAttribute('data-direction' , direction) } static power_on(){ for(const elm of Ghost.elm_ghosts){ if(Ghost.get_status(elm) === 'dead'){continue} elm.setAttribute('data-reverse' , '1') elm.setAttribute('data-status' , 'weak') } } static power_off(){ for(const elm of Ghost.elm_ghosts){ if(elm.getAttribute('data-status') === 'weak'){ elm.setAttribute('data-status' , '') } } } static crashed(elm_ghost){ Main.is_crash = true Main.is_dead = true Ghost.move_stop(elm_ghost) } static move_stops(){ for(const elm_ghost of Ghost.elm_ghosts){ Ghost.move_stop(elm_ghost) } } static move_stop(elm_ghost){ const svg = elm_ghost.querySelector('.under svg') svg.pauseAnimations() const anim = elm_ghost.getAnimations() if(anim && anim.length){ anim[0].pause() } } static hidden_all(){ for(const elm of Ghost.elm_ghosts){ elm.style.setProperty('display' , 'none' , ''); } } static dead(elm_ghost){ elm_ghost.setAttribute('data-status' , 'dead') } static alive(elm_ghost){ elm_ghost.setAttribute('data-status' , '') } static get_status(elm_ghost){ return elm_ghost.getAttribute('data-status') } static get_speed(elm_ghost){ switch(Ghost.get_status(elm_ghost)){ case 'weak': return Main.ghost_weak_speed case 'dead': return Main.ghost_dead_speed default: return Main.ghost_normal_speed } } }

[全部更新] js/main.js

クリア処理に必要なフラグや、初期処理などを追加してます。 import { Ghost } from './ghost.js' import { Frame } from './frame.js' import { Control } from './control.js' import { Pacman } from './pacman.js' import { Feed } from './feed.js' export const Main = { anim_speed : 200, ghost_normal_speed : 200, ghost_weak_speed : 400, ghost_dead_speed : 50, is_crash : false, is_dead : false, is_clear : false, } function init(){ new Frame().then(()=>{ new Ghost() new Pacman() new Control() new Feed() }) } switch(document.readyState){ case 'complete': case 'interactive': init() break default: window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded' , (()=>init())) }

[全部更新] js/pacman.js

思っていたよりも変更箇所が多かったので、全部ファイルごと入れ替えちゃってください。 import { Main } from './main.js' import { Frame } from './frame.js' import { Control } from './control.js' import { Feed } from './feed.js' import { Ghost } from './ghost.js' export class Pacman{ // 初期表示座標処理 constructor(){ Pacman.start() } static start(){ Pacman.create() Pacman.coodinates = Pacman.start_coodinates Frame.put(Pacman.elm, Pacman.coodinates) Pacman.elm.style.setProperty('--anim-speed' , `${Main.anim_speed}ms` , '') } static reset_data(){ Pacman.direction = null Pacman.start() } static create(){ if(Pacman.elm){return} const div = document.createElement('div') div.className = 'pacman' Frame.root.appendChild(div) } static get start_coodinates(){ return { x : 14, y : 23, } } static get elm(){ return document.querySelector('.pacman') } static move(direction){ if(Pacman.direction){ return } Pacman.direction = direction Pacman.elm.setAttribute('data-anim' , "true") this.moving() } static moving(){ if(Main.is_dead || Main.is_clear){return} Pacman.next_pos = Frame.next_pos(Pacman.direction , Pacman.coodinates) //warp if(Frame.is_warp(Pacman.next_pos)){ Pacman.coodinates = Frame.get_another_warp_pos(Pacman.next_pos) Pacman.next_pos = Frame.next_pos(Pacman.direction , Pacman.coodinates) } if(Frame.is_collision(Pacman.next_pos) && !Pacman.is_wall(Pacman.next_pos)){ Pacman.elm.setAttribute('data-anim' , "") delete Pacman.direction return } Pacman.elm.setAttribute('data-direction' , Pacman.direction) Pacman.elm.animate( [ { left : `${Pacman.coodinates.x * Frame.block_size}px`, top : `${Pacman.coodinates.y * Frame.block_size}px`, }, { left : `${Pacman.next_pos.x * Frame.block_size}px`, top : `${Pacman.next_pos.y * Frame.block_size}px`, } ], { duration: Main.anim_speed } ) Promise.all(Pacman.elm.getAnimations().map(e => e.finished)).then(()=>{ Pacman.moved() }) } static moved(){ Pacman.coodinates = Pacman.next_pos Frame.put(Pacman.elm, Pacman.coodinates) Feed.move_map() if(Control.direction && Control.direction !== Pacman.direction){ const temp_pos = Frame.next_pos(Control.direction , Pacman.coodinates) if(!Frame.is_collision(temp_pos) && !Pacman.is_wall(temp_pos)){ Pacman.direction = Control.direction } } Pacman.moving() } static is_wall(map){ const through_item = Frame.frame_datas[Frame.get_pos2num(map)] if(through_item === 'TU' || through_item === 'TD' || through_item === 'TL' || through_item === 'TR'){ return true } else{ false } } static is_collision(pos){ if(!pos){return} if(Pacman.coodinates && pos.x === Pacman.coodinates.x && pos.y === Pacman.coodinates.y){ return true } else if(Pacman.next_pos && pos.x === Pacman.next_pos.x && pos.y === Pacman.next_pos.y){ return true } else{ return false } } static crashed(elm_ghost){ setTimeout(Pacman.dead , 1000) Pacman.move_stop() } static dead(){ Ghost.hidden_all() Pacman.elm.setAttribute('data-direction' , 'up') Pacman.elm.setAttribute('data-status' , 'dead') } static move_stop(){ const anim = Pacman.elm.getAnimations() if(anim && anim.length){ anim[0].pause() } } static hidden(){ Pacman.elm.style.setProperty('display','none','') } static close_mouse(){ // Pacman.elm.setAttribute('data-status' , 'mouse-close') } }


初回の設定の甘さがここに来て出てしまいましたwww。 エサの残り数をFeedモジュールで処理させていますが、それをMainモジュールでセットしていなかったのと、敵キャラ、自キャラなどがステージクリアした時に、新しいステージでちゃんと最初の設定にもどるように、データリセットする事が考慮されていなかったので、全体の処理を見直しました。 なので、ステージは、assetデータを読み込んでいて、メモリに残した状態で、きれいに作り直すようにしました。 その時に、自キャラが消えてしまっていたのは、HTMLで直にタグを書いていたことが原因だったので、これを動的に処理するようにしました。 あと、ステージクリアした時に、画面が点滅する処理は、cssに全てやらせているので、さほど難しくなかったですね。



デバッグする時に、毎回1ステージをクリアする必要があったので、めちゃくちゃクリアしまくりました。 でも、全体処理として、足りていなかった箇所などがよく理解できて良かったです。 ただ、まだ自機の残り数などの設定自体が組み込まれていないので、一回でも死んでしまうと、ゲームがフリーズしてしまいます。 次回はその辺を進めましょうね。


パックマンは、バンダイナムコ社の登録商標です。 PAC-MAN™ & ©1980 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.




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